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发信人: qili (qili), 信区: NewYork
标 题: restaurant
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Sep 9 16:42:16 1999), 站内信件

for those of you who love fine french dinning, at 49th and 5th (just
one short block north of wly), there is a very discrete french
place called "La Reserve". very romantic setting and good service.
do call in advance (two weeks for weekend dinner) and wear formal

for indian food, try "jewel of india" on 46th (this could be wrong)
and madison.

a price fix is about $50 per person without wine
and desert. they have the best soufflee (the spellling
maybe off. you cannot order the ssoufflee alone tho.)

an entree is at about $25ish, but you aren't going to
order just one (they come in tiny tiny amount).

a more formal, but less intimate place is called "Le
Bernadino" on 52nd between 6th and 7th. Famous for
its seafood but don't go there till someone else is
paying for you.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE bbs.mit.edu.[FROM:]


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